
Django Knowledge is aiming to be a very simple knowledge base and question support engine, not entirely dissimilar to ZenKnowledge, Assistly, or HelpJuice, and to some degree StackOverflow or even UserVoice or GetSatisfaction.

Goals of django-knowledge

The goals of django-knowledge are simple and straightforward:

  1. Searchable knowledge base.
  2. A form to ask a missing question.
  3. Staff can moderate via toolbar or Django’s admin interface.

How django-knowledge works

At its core, there are only a few moving parts, which keeps django-knowledge light and extensible.


There are only three data models in django-knowledge: Question, Response and Category. As you can imagine, Question is the base model which can have an arbitrary number or Response‘s. While Response is more or less a series of comments on a Question. Question‘s can also have an arbitrary number of Categories.

Question‘s and Response‘s can each be either public, private or internal (or inheret for Response). Categories are always public.


In the same spirit, there are only 4 user facing views: knowledge_index, knowledge_list, knowledge_thread, and knowledge_ask.

  • knowledge_index a general listing of popular questions plus search box
  • knowledge_list listing of a specific subset of questions (by tags or search term)
  • knowledge_thread response thread for a specific question
  • knowledge_moderate a passthrough for moderators to manage questions & responses
  • knowledge_ask form for asking a question


We provide default styles for the templates. You can easily embed this within your own shim/wrapper or do nothing and just roll with the wrapper we provide. Read more in the Customize section.


The included generic styles are compiled via SASS’s scss. You can read more in the Customize section.

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