Overview ================= Django Knowledge is aiming to be a very simple knowledge base and question support engine, not entirely dissimilar to ZenKnowledge, Assistly, or HelpJuice, and to some degree StackOverflow or even UserVoice or GetSatisfaction. .. _about-goals: Goals of django-knowledge -------------------- The goals of ``django-knowledge`` are simple and straightforward: 1. Searchable knowledge base. 2. A form to ask a missing question. 3. Staff can moderate via toolbar or Django's admin interface. .. _about-how-it-works: How django-knowledge works --------------------- At its core, there are only a few moving parts, which keeps django-knowledge light and extensible. Models ~~~~~~ There are only three data models in django-knowledge: **Question**, **Response** and **Category**. As you can imagine, **Question** is the base model which can have an arbitrary number or **Response**'s. While **Response** is more or less a series of comments on a **Question**. **Question**'s can also have an arbitrary number of **Categories**. **Question**'s and **Response**'s can each be either *public*, *private* or *internal* (or *inheret* for **Response**). **Categories** are always *public*. Views ~~~~~ In the same spirit, there are only 4 user facing views: **knowledge_index**, **knowledge_list**, **knowledge_thread**, and **knowledge_ask**. - **knowledge_index** a general listing of popular questions plus search box - **knowledge_list** listing of a specific subset of questions (by tags or search term) - **knowledge_thread** response thread for a specific question - **knowledge_moderate** a passthrough for moderators to manage questions & responses - **knowledge_ask** form for asking a question Templates ~~~~~~~~~ We provide default styles for the templates. You can easily embed this within your own shim/wrapper or do nothing and just roll with the wrapper we provide. Read more in the :doc:`customize` section. CSS (SASS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The included generic styles are compiled via SASS's scss. You can read more in the :doc:`customize` section.